From left to right: Tanaka, Nakamaru, Akanishi, Taguchi, Ueda, and Kamenashi!

I just wanted to say that I have an imeem account now. Its nothing special but I really like it. I mean it doesnt really have that much on it but I'm excited about it (I know I'm such a dork). I also wanted to talk about KAT-TUN because I've been watching them for a couple of days now and really enjoying their music videos and live perfomances at Shonen Club. Their sooooo awesome!
I've been trying to learn Akanishi Jin's solo performance song entitled "Care" (it has subtitles) So i'm not that skilled but hey i've been really enjoying learning a Korean song. KAT-TUN some times will tap dance in their performances and its so funny to see them do it. They are really good at it though so its also cool to watch them.
I also wanted to post this pic on here its my wallpaper background on my computer right now and every time i get on I wander what their laughing at. I come up with different things each time I sign on as to why they are all laughing so hard. I'd really like to know because I want to laugh with them (but I guess I will never Know unless I meet them and asked them but yeah right like thats going to happen) :p
So anyway if you read this Jessieh or Kyra and would like to leave a comment as to what you think they are laughing so hard about go right ahead i'd be glad for some more ideas to feed my own curious mind. So yeah I know this post was kinda long and really was about nothing (hahaha get it Jessieh wrighting about nothing) anyway, so long for now. -Eden <3