Yea!!!! TVXQ in pink! They are so sexy in pink! I love when guys wear pink it makes them look manly (if that makes any sence) :P Well I just wanted to post this pic because I found it a couple of weeks ago but it was really small and you could hardly see everyone. Now I am sooooo happy because now you can see everyone and all their sexiness!! Exspecially my man JJ! TVXQ Fighting!
Sis! quit freaking out! I've been on! Just havent been emailing ppl! Im not out of the country, just 2 1/2 hrs down the road. Im only a phone call away! You're such a dork. Well, guess wat! I passed all my class. No 10th again for me! I'm so happy, my prayers were answered. Is that a selfish pray? Asking God not to fail me? Well, you can call me tomorrow anytime before 11, and after 8. working from 11-8! I love my job though, it's fun and I've already made some friends. But dont worry, they will never get in the way of you two. I'll try and call you on my break if I get the chance. I love and miss you very much! I'm going crazy without you guys! Please try and come down soon, and I'm reading the book ya'll gave me. I love it! Talk to you soon. Be safe! Sadye's birthday is Tuesday! I love you. Kyra xoxoxoxoxoxo
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